Bamboo Growth Management

Clumping bamboo has two main shooting seasons: in the late spring–early summer, producing foliage throughout the summer, and then the second set of shoots emerge at the end of summer–early fall, producing foliage throughout the fall until the winter time when the bamboo focuses on expanding its roots primarily in preparation for the next shooting season. Each set of shoots generally will be taller and thicker than the previous set until the bamboo reaches full maturity. Clumping bamboo will mature fully in 4 years. Once a new shoot sprouts foliage, the bamboo culm will not grow taller or thicker. Our service helps manage the new and old growth to achieve ultimate uniformity and optimal culm health.

Let us transform your bamboo vision in to reality!

Call or text us at 832-713-4319 or contact us here for a quote.
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