One of the most beautiful well behaved bamboos with very handsome soft, gentle look that is never overpowering. New shoot coloration is brilliant, dusted with white powder, tinged blue. It is an excellent choice for narrow spaces or smaller yards because of its upright growth pattern. Handsome enough to stand alone, it also makes an excellent hedge or privacy screen. Proven to be one of the most popular bamboos in city and country settings with instant gratification that form a solid wall or green in one growing season. Not quite as vertical as its elegant sister Weaver’s Bamboo (B. textilis).
Classification: Clumping bamboo
Max Ht:
30 ft.
Max Dia: 1.25"
Min. Temp: 18 o F
Light: (shade-sun 1-5) 3-5
Uses: Focus garden specimen, large screen or hedge, pole production