Affordable Bamboo Irrigation & Installation

Our bamboo irrigation system waters your bamboo directly, consistently, and effectively at a low cost to you. For generally just $300, you can have us build a simple low-risk bamboo irrigation system which will water the bamboo in the most efficient way. Free of water waste, inconsistency, damage and thirsty bamboo, your bamboo will receive water directly at the root systems delivered through a black flex tube and adjustable nozzles that do not crack in the sun or get clogged like soaker hoses commonly do. This system is durable, long-lasting and will water until your bamboo is fully established and long after that! We recommend watering 1-2 time daily throughout the year for the first 1-2 years for full optimal establishment and growth. In the winter, you can adjust the system to water every other day instead.

When you are a member, we can adjust the irrigation settings for you when we service your bamboo throughout the year, otherwise, the timer is really easy to use if you ever need to adjust your water flow. After the bamboo is fully established, you will notice that they can rely more on Mother Nature rain instead of your system. You cannot water too much, but if you water too little, you will notice taco-leaf-folding, shedding, yellowing, and what looks like very thirsty and dry bamboo; you will notice easily if your bamboo is thirsty.

Our system can assist in extended dry periods even long after full establishment of your bamboo, so the system really is a great ally to your bamboo. If it ever freezes, just turn the water off so as to not damage the system and turn on again once the freezing weather passes. By having an individual watering system for the bamboo, you can really optimize your water usage while nurturing your bamboo on a regular basis without overwatering the grass or other nearby plants who may be sharing the same irrigation system.

For example, in many cases, by sharing the same grass sprinkler heads with the bamboo, you may be inclined to leave the sprinklers on for longer periods of time to ensure the bamboo is watered enough thus creating a muddy outdoor space and an expensive water bill in the process when the grass has had enough water and the bamboo has not. Bamboo is extremely hard to kill, especially after full establishment, and Mother Nature always seems to revive a struggling plant when it needs Her rain the most, so do not overthink growing bamboo. Our system is beneficial and available for your bamboo, but certainly not a requirement, although, a nicely watered bamboo with our system is the best looking bamboo!

Let us transform your bamboo vision in to reality!

Call or text us at 832-713-4319 or contact us here for a quote.
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